Sharing with Our Community |
Photos by Kathy Westaby
2023 Trudy and her Family volunteered to manage the Giving Garden. Trudy was able to set up a Thrivent Action Team to purchase plants and supplies. Plants and seeds were also donated by several garden members. The produce from the Giving Garden was donated to the local food pantry Stepping Stones. A variety of produce was donated all season, including an abundance of radishes, green beans, kale, collard greens, wax beans, cucumbers, cauliflower, carrots, green peppers, cilantro, basil, beets and more!
2022 Cindy started the "Giving Garden" plot at the community garden. Plants were donated by garden members & maintained by Cindy with the help of some Community Garden Members. A variety of produce was donated to the local food pantry, Stepping Stones. Stepping Stones also had a weekly donation box at MCG for all members to donate too. 2019-2022 Food Share Plots produce food for the community dinner tables and food pantries. In 2019, Judy and other gardeners grew over 800 pounds of food share produce. Many additional baskets of produce from individual gardens were shared with neighbors, friends and family. In 2021, we had a dedicated plot for the four community dinner tables in Menomonie with Cindy overseeing the project. We hope to be expanding this outreach in 2022. |
Vegetables shared over the years include: Potatoes, onions, broccoli, parsley, endive, lettuce, kale, peppers, tomatoes, squash, beans, kale, collard greens, cilantro, basil,
radish and more!
radish and more!